About WCDC


Waldo County Democrats are active year round! Visit our Volunteer page to find ways to get involved and our Calendar page to see what’s going on.

Membership, Meetings and Officers

Canvassers at Monroe Country Store

WCDC members are elected at each town’s biennial caucus in the spring of each even-numbered year, or by local committees or the County Committee any time of year. If you’re interested in becoming a WCDC member just email us for details at info@waldocountydemocrats.com.

The County Committee is now meeting most months on the second Sunday of the month at 2pm, in person with a Zoom option, or occasionally Zoom only. View our Calendar to see when and where our next meeting is and find out how to participate. Guests are welcome!

Our current Officers and Executive Committee members are:

  • Chair Paige Zeigler, Montville 
  • Vice Chair Valerie Tate, Belfast 
  • Secretary Sarah Hardy, Stockton Springs
  • Treasurer Gail Chase, Unity 
  • At Large Executive Committee Member Cheryl Cassidy, Lincolnville
  • DEIB-designated Executive Committee Member Barbara Finch, Searsport
  • At large Executive Committee Member Sue Conard, Northport

Learn more about them. 

View our Bylaws here.

To receive our weekly email updates on everything we’re up to, send an email to info@waldocountydemocrats.com (We won’t share your contact information without your permission.

WCDC members serve pie at the Belfast Street Party 2023


Don’t miss a thing! Our office is now closed for the season but we’re active year…

Handpainted Biden Harris yard sign


We’re hard at work supporting our local legislators and other elected officials, building up our local…

Group of Searsmont Dems outdoors at local organizing meeting

Local Committees

Connect with Democrats in your area! WCDC is made up of members representing all twenty-six of…

Colorful handpainted yard signs arrayed in front of a deck railing with various messages such as Freedom to Choose, Unions Made USA, Vote, Stop Truth Decay, Equality 4 All, Dismantle Systemic Racism


Support Local Democrats! There are lots of ways to support Democrats at the local level. You…

Three Northport Dems listening to candidates

Every Conversation Counts

We launched Every Conversation Counts to teach skills and build confidence for engaging in meaningful conversations…

Questions? We've got answers!