October 2024 WCDC Meeting Re-Cap

At our last meeting before Election Day, Waldo County Democrats focused on local campaign updates and getting ready for GOTV! Our local candidates are knocking on doors and getting yard signs to supporters’ homes and on the roadsides. They’re grateful for all the support they’re receiving from local Democrats, so keep up the good work! You can reach out to them with the contact info on our website’s Elections 2024 page.

We also heard from Grayson Lookner with the Yes on 1 campaign. Get more information here or contact Grayson at grayson@citizenstoendsuperpacs.org.

Our treasurer Gail Chase reported that we have been receiving far more than expected donations the past two months, and the membership approved several expenditures to put the additional funds to good use before Election Day. Thank you so very much for all the support!

GOTV Volunteer Workshop

At the end of our business meeting, we kicked off our GOTV Volunteer Workshop with an overview of the Get-Out-The-Vote plan for Waldo County from Caden Slater, an organizer-intern from Brunswick working on the Golden campaign. He explained our GOTV strategy and how the campaigns will be folded in together at the end of October as we join forces to make sure Dem voters get to the polls, either by absentee ballot or on Election Day.

Over the next 3 weeks, canvassing will continue throughout the county to identify voters who support our candidates. You can volunteer to knock on doors or be a driver by signing up for one of the “Final Stretch” canvasses in October using the links below:

>> October 19-20 – https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/708303/ 

>> October 26-27 – https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/710969/

Or sign up to make GOTV phone calls at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/666378/.

Starting November 2 through Election Day on November 5, plan on being part of the massive GOTV canvassing effort that will be run out of the Mermaid Plaza in Searsport. In these final days of the campaign, the focus will be on making sure every voter supporting Democrats casts their ballot. Sign up for one of these vital GOTV canvasses at https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/710941/.

If you have questions, contact one of these local organizers:

Here are some additional opportunities to get involved:

Voter Protection Briefing

We also learned about the Maine Dems’ Voter Protection program from Sam Tracy, who is regional organizing director on the Voter Protection team. He told us about the efforts Maine Dems are making to ensure every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot. Anyone encounters a problem voting, regardless of party, can contact the Maine Dems’ voter hotline at 207-977-4451. The hotline is available now for early and absentee voters, and will have extra resources available on Election Day to field questions and troubleshoot any reports of interference, intimidation, or other barriers to voting.

To volunteer with the Voter Protection team as a Poll Observer, please sign up for a training at https://www.mobilize.us/mainedems/event/679539/. Contact Sam with questions at stracy@2024victory.com.

After the GOTV and Voter Protection briefings, Caden offered a training on the MiniVAN app, a canvassing tool the Maine Dems use that helps canvassers find voters’ homes and record data from their conversations. Participants talked with organizers and experienced volunteers about ways to be part of the GOTV effort and sign up for trainings, canvassing, and driving shifts.

A few final notes about everyone’s favorite topic – yard signs!

  • Have you noticed lots of Democratic candidates’ yard signs out on the roads this past week? The credit goes to Mary Lou and Bart Carhart, who coordinated a huge effort involving at least 1,500 signs and dozens of volunteers to make it happen. Thank you to Mary Lou and Bart and everyone involved!
  • We’re expecting a BIG shipment of Harris-Walz yard signs on Thursday or Friday. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement when they arrive!
  • Removing a legally placed sign from a public right of way is a crime punishable by up to $250.
  • We’re aware that many yard signs on public and private property have been stolen or damaged. Please report the theft and vandalism to local law enforcement.
  • If you see signs illegally placed, do not remove or disturb them. Report them to the authorities.
  • If you’re angry about our signs being destroyed, or annoyed by the opposition’s signs, channel those feelings in a positive way by volunteering! Use one of the links above to volunteer for GOTV or fill out our Volunteer Form.

Standing Committee Reports

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging – Chair Laura Baker

  • Sent definition of Hate Crime to County Sheriff Jason Trundy and had it approved.
  • State DEIB speaker, Rachel Talbot Ross, September 26
  • Next DEIB meeting – Sunday, November 24, 4pm by ZOOM. If interested to join, please contact Laura at fairtradebaker@gmail.com for the link.

Engagement – Chair Cheryl Cassidy

  • Since late July, 122 new volunteers completed a Volunteer Interest Form with the Waldo County Democrats, which represents a 55 percent increase in our volunteer database!
  • In September the committee helped with the Picnic Potluck by recruiting volunteers for the planning, decorating, set-up and clean-up.

Campaign Committee – Chair Valerie Tate

  • Focused until the election on activism for individual candidates and the Maine Dems Coordinated Campaign.
  • Still seeking a volunteer to collect and maintain accurate municipal and county information, so that we can effectively recruit Democratic candidates for every local office
  • Next meeting: Wednesday, November 20, 5:30pm via Zoom (email valerietate2001@yahoo.com for the link).