Our WCDC Potluck on March 1 was an amazing success! About100 members and friends turned out from across the county and beyond. Every speaker was inspiring and informative. Our chair Paige Zeigler was a great MC. Attendees asked excellent questions and speakers gave forthright answers. The thrilling (not an exaggeration!) keynote was from Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey. Those that followed were The Honorable Troy Jackson, RSU71 School Board candidate Cooper Reed, labor leader Jason Shedlock, House District 40 Representative Mike Ray, the new vice chair of the Maine Democratic Party Imke Schessler-Jandreau, and House District 39 Representative Jan Dodge. What a lineup!
Many thanks to Cheryl Cassidy, Midge Browning and the whole Engagement Committee team that worked so hard putting together this event. The proof was in the pudding. It went like clockwork!