Looking for contact info for one of the elected officials serving Waldo County? Here it is, from the President all the way to County officials, whether Democrat, Republican, Green or Unenrolled. Reach out and let them know what you think!

President Donald Trump (R)

Vice President J.D. Vance (R)

The official White House website is www.whitehouse.gov. You can use their contact form to send a message to the administration.


Governor Janet Mills (D)

Office of the Governor:
#1 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0001
207-287-3531; 207-287-6548 (TTY); Fax: 207-287-1034


U.S. Senator Angus King (I)

Washington D.C. Office:
359 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Augusta Office:
4 Gabriel Drive, Suite 3
Augusta, ME 04330
207 622-8292


U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R)

Washington D.C. Office:
461 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
202-224-2523; Fax: 202-224-2693

Bangor Office: 
202 Harlow St., Room 204
Bangor, Maine 04402


U.S. Representative Jared Golden (D)

Washington, D.C. Office:
1223 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
202-225-6306; Fax: 202-225-2943

Bangor office: 

6 State Street, Suite 101
Bangor, ME 04401


State Senator Glenn “Chip” Curry (D)

13 Parkside Lane, Belfast, ME 04915
(207) 287-1515; (207) 323-9976
Representing District 11 – Waldo County; Chair, 
Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement & Business (IDEA) Committee; member, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (IFW) Committee


State Representative Reagan Paul (R)

815 North Main Street, Winterport, ME 04496

(800) 423-2900, (207) 944-8033


Representing District 37 – eastern part of Frankfort, Prospect, Searsport, Stockton Springs, and Winterport; member, Energy, Utilities & Technology (EUT) Committee


State Representative Benjamin Hymes (R)

318 Birches Road, Waldo, ME 04915

(800) 423-2900, (207) 808-3413


Representing District 38 – Brooks, western part of Frankfort, Jackson, Knox, Monroe, Swanville, Thorndike, Unity, and Waldo; member, Veterans & Legal Affairs (VLA) Committee


State Representative Jan Dodge (D)

17 Vine Street, Belfast, ME 04915
(207) 989-7400, 
(800) 423-2900, Fax: (207) 989-7548

Representing District 39 – Belmont, Belfast, and Northport; member, Education & Cultural Affairs (EDU) Committee


State Representative D. Michael Ray (D)

40 Quarry Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849

(207) 930-0371


Representing District 40 – Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill, and Searsmont; Transportation Committee


State Representative Katrina Smith (R)

627 Chisholm Pond Road, Palermo, ME 04354

(800) 423-2900, (207) 230-9583


Representing District 62 –  China, Hibbets Gore, Palermo, Somerville, and Windsor; member, Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement & Business (IDEA) Committee


State Representative Paul Flynn (R)

78 Bessie Ridge Road, Albion, ME 04910

(207) 314-5525


Representing District 63 – Albion, Freedom, Unity Township, part of Winslow, 


State Representative Amanda Collamore (R)

173 Library Street, Pittsfield, ME 04967
(800) 423-2900(207) 679-7305
Representing District 68 – Clinton, Burnham, Pittsfield, and Troy; member 
Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement & Business (IDEA) Committee


District Attorney Natasha Irving (D)


Representing Prosecutorial District 6 – Sagadahoc, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo Counties


High Sheriff Jason Trundy (D)


Representing Waldo County


County Commissioner Betty Johnson (D)



Representing District 1 – Belfast, Belmont, Islesboro, Lincolnville, Northport, and Waldo


County Commissioner Kevin Kelley (R)



Representing District 2 – Frankfort, Jackson, Monroe, Prospect, Searsport, Swanville, Stockton Springs, Winterport


County Commissioner Tim Parker (R)



Representing District 3 – Brooks, Burnham, Freedom, Knox, Liberty, Montville, Morrill, Palermo, Searsmont, Troy, Thorndike, and Unity


Judge of Probate Joanna Owen (D)


Representing Waldo County


Register of Probate Sharon Peavey (R)


Representing Waldo County


Register of Deeds Stacy Grant (D)


Representing Waldo Count