June 2024 WCDC Re-Cap

Greetings Democrats! Your usual scribe for WCDC Updates, Sara Salley, is having some time off to hopefully regain her voice and strength.  We wish her well.  You, my friends, are left with me to try to do justice for this news debrief.  I will provide bullet points only.  Details will be in the minutes … eventually!  So let’s begin.

Our June 9th meeting at the Belfast Library was chaired by your secretary, that would be me, ably assisted by Sue Conard.  Sue and Valerie Tate provided technical assistance to get us Zooming!

Legislative Updates and Candidates’ Reports

We began with legislative updates and candidates reports.  Many folks were attending the House Democratic Campaign Committee Training in Augusta; however, they were well represented at the meeting.  Senator Curry spoke about his reelection campaign. Valerie Tate spoke on behalf of Representative Dodge; Barbara Finch was spokesperson for Scott Cuddy in his bid for HD #37; Gail Chase spoke on behalf of Mike Ray on his efforts to gain HD # 40; and Karen Rhyne, district field organizer for Representative Jared Golden, addressed the committee as well.  As always overriding needs are drivers, letters to the editor, canvassers, and phone bankers.  Alan Cohen, candidate for County Commissioner, needs a campaign manager.  County Commissioner Betty Johnson stated that the County Budget Committee still needs a selectperson from Northport to serve. 


Waldo County had a strong presence  at the 2024 Maine Democratic Convention. There were 69 delegates participating either in person or online.  That represents 65% of all allowed delegate positions.  Reports from our delegates were mostly positive. The speakers and workshops gained praise.  We will submit our attendees’ suggestions and concerns to the DSC.  As an added bonus all six of the WCDC proposed platform amendments were accepted at the convention.  Four in their original form and two with minor changes.  Good show and well done! 

DSC Membership

At convention Laura Baker and Sarah Hardy were elected as Democratic State Committee Members.  At our local meeting in June, two candidates for the remaining one position were nominated.  Geoff Taylor of Belfast and Josh Goldstein of Lincolnville vied for the open position.  Josh won the slot, and Geoff will serve as the alternate.  Thank you, gentlemen, for stepping up to serve.

Candidate Funding

The question was presented to the WCDC as to whether if requested we would we provide funds to candidates that are traditionally funded rather than through Clean Elections.  In the past, WCDC has offered $200 to candidates requesting assistance.  After discussion, the committee decided to award such funds to traditionally funded candidates, as well as Clean Elections candidates who did not receive their minimum qualifying contributions.  Elise Brown, candidate for County Commissioner, and Brian Blake, candidate for House District #68, have requested and will receive $200 each.  Funds are allocated in the WCDC budget.

Volunteer Fair!

WCDC will host Volunteer Fair! Sunday, June 23rd 1-3 PM at the Varney Center in Brooks.  Meet the candidates.  There will be informal discussions sharing ideas and ways to inspire and organize.  There is a role for everyone.  Please come and find what fits your interest and how you can help ensure democracy. No effort is too small.  Varney Center is located at 24 Veterans Highway (Route 7).  “Turn your passion into action.” Learn more and RSVP with this link.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting scheduled for July 14th again will find us in Brooks at the Varney Center.  It will be a hybrid meeting offering in person participation and Zoom (preregister for the Zoom link).  

And don’t forget you can support the WCDC via ActBlue Click on https://secure.actblue.com/entity/fundraisers/41335 to donate via ActBlue or by check to WCDC, 22 Searsport Ave Suite 102, Belfast ME 04915